Ibogaine Treatment Centers -Tabula Rasa Retreat

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Unlocking Inner Strength: A Transformative Journey at Faith Retreats™

Do you frequently find yourself stuck in the same undesirable situations, unsure of the reasons behind them. You might find yourself consistently betraying your own values or letting others do so on your behalf. It’s possible that you carry unresolved emotional wounds from childhood, leading you towards addictive behaviors, whether they involve substances or certain activities. Or you may have suffered repeated emotional, physical, or sexual abuse during childhood, and struggle with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, which makes your present life unbearable.

Discover Profound Purpose at Faith Retreats™

At Faith Retreats™, we help individuals tap into their inner strength, discovering profound purpose and direction in life. However, it’s crucial to understand that plant medicine alone is not a cure-all. There’s a common misconception that merely participating in plant medicine journeys will miraculously reveal the truth and heal us completely. This couldn’t be further from reality. Plant medicine journeys are just the beginning, opening the door to deeper inner work.

Guided Self-Discovery and Personal Growth

Our team of experienced counsellors and facilitators is here to guide you toward self-discovery and personal growth. We provide a variety of holistic tools and practices to help you implement structured emotional changes and develop a greater awareness of maladaptive coping strategies that hinder the life you want to lead.

Join Our 6-Day/5-Night Program for Transformation

Join us for our 6-day/5-night program to enhance your mental and emotional well-being. This transformative retreat combines traditional ancestral remedies with holistic treatments, supporting mental health and aiding in addiction recovery.

Ayahuasca, psilocybin, and 5-MeO-DMT, cherished by indigenous communities for their spiritual and healing properties, are central to our program. These ancient medicines assist in uncovering suppressed emotions, fostering self-awareness, and addressing trauma and psychological challenges. In recent years, we have effectively utilized these potent natural tools alongside holistic therapies to help many individuals overcome mental health issues and understand the roots of substance abuse.

What Awaits You at the Retreat?

  • Pre-Retreat Online Intake Session: Begin your journey with a comprehensive online session.
  • Supportive Team: Our highly skilled team is available to support you throughout the week.
  • Medicine Ceremonies: Participate in plant and animal medicine ceremonies conducted by our expert facilitators.
  • Customized Exercises and Workshops: Engage in exercises and workshops tailored to enhance your experience.
  • Breathwork Sessions: Participate in breathwork sessions to deepen your journey.
  • Variety of Activities: Enjoy various activities designed to enrich your retreat experience.
  • Intention and Integration Sessions: Powerful sessions to help set and integrate your intentions.
  • One-on-One Therapy: Spend personal time with our therapists.
  • Nature and Reflection Time: Ample time to reflect, connect with nature, and unwind.
  • Exclusive Accommodations: Six days and five nights at an exclusive, high-end retreat center with comfortable ensuite rooms in luxurious, nature-surrounded accommodations.
  • Ceremonial Spaces: Beautiful spaces dedicated to your ceremonies.
  • Nourishing Meals: Enjoy nutritious meals crafted with love to support you.

Explore Plant Medicines and Holistic Therapies


Ayahuasca is a traditional Amazonian brew made from the Banisteriopsis caapi vine and Psychotria viridis leaves. This potent mixture has been used for centuries by indigenous tribes for spiritual and healing purposes. Consuming Ayahuasca induces altered states of consciousness, characterized by vivid visions and deep introspection. These experiences enable individuals to confront buried emotions, traumas, and psychological challenges. The therapeutic potential of Ayahuasca lies in its ability to facilitate profound emotional release and self-awareness, making it valuable for treating depression, PTSD, and addiction. Recent studies and anecdotal evidence suggest that Ayahuasca ceremonies, guided by experienced shamans, can lead to long-lasting positive changes in mental health and well-being.


Kambo is derived from the secretion of the Phyllomedusa bicolor frog, native to the Amazon rainforest. Traditionally used by indigenous tribes as a hunting aid and medicine, Kambo is applied to small burns on the skin, allowing its bioactive peptides to enter the bloodstream. The intense purgative effects of Kambo help cleanse the body of toxins and enhance the immune system. Users often report a sense of renewal and clarity following a Kambo session. Therapeutically, Kambo is believed to address a range of physical and mental health issues, including chronic pain, fatigue, depression, and anxiety. Its ability to boost the immune system and promote overall wellness has made it an increasingly popular alternative treatment in holistic health circles.


5-MeO-DMT is a powerful psychoactive compound found in the venom of the Bufo alvarius toad, also known as the Sonoran Desert toad. When vaporized and inhaled, 5-MeO-DMT produces intense, often mystical experiences that can lead to profound insights and spiritual awakening. The effects are short-lived, typically lasting 20-30 minutes, but are described as life-changing by many who experience them. Therapeutically, 5-MeO-DMT has shown promise in treating trauma, depression, and anxiety by providing users with a deep sense of interconnectedness and a fresh perspective on life. The profound nature of the experience can help individuals process and release deeply held emotional wounds, contributing to long-term mental and emotional healing.


Psilocybin is the active compound found in certain species of mushrooms, commonly referred to as “magic mushrooms.” Used for millennia in spiritual and shamanic practices, psilocybin induces altered states of consciousness characterized by enhanced perception, introspection, and emotional release. Modern research has highlighted psilocybin’s potential in treating a variety of mental health conditions, including depression, anxiety, PTSD, and substance abuse disorders. Psilocybin works by interacting with serotonin receptors in the brain, promoting neuroplasticity and helping to break down rigid patterns of thought and behavior. Therapeutic use of psilocybin, typically conducted in a controlled setting with professional guidance, has shown promising results in facilitating deep psychological healing and improving overall well-being.

Holistic Therapies to Complement Your Journey

Cold Exposure Therapy

Cold Exposure Therapy, following the Wim Hof Method, uses cold exposure and breathwork techniques, such as ice baths, to reconnect with our innate resilience.

 Holotropic Breathwork

Holotropic Breathwork achieves altered states of consciousness without psychoactive substances, proving effective in trauma release and emotional processing.


You will be taught the necessary emotional processing tools to enable you to truly sit with your emotions, befriend them, and see them as guides and compasses rather than enemies you must dissociate or distract from.

After our Faith Retreats™ program, you will surely have gained new, deeper insights into yourself. It’s not that you will automatically be a “different person,” but your perspective about your life narrative will have deepened, and you will certainly have released some key emotional blockages and traumas. Through the plant medicines themselves, and our guidance, you will emerge with a map of where you should deepen the work you started with us.


Faith Retreats™️ does not provide psychoactive or controlled substances, nor are we licensed therapists, counsellors, or medical professionals. We are not spiritual guides or scientists; however, we offer you a safe set and setting, with an experienced team, so you can delve deep into your own ‘plant medicine’ journeys. We are a harm reduction company. We do not provide referrals to “underground” (illegal) psychedelic services. Any information received through our services should be considered for educational purposes and not be misconstrued as medical or legal advice. Please use your discretion to ensure our services meet your needs.

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